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​Superintelligent Consulting - Origin of Metaverse Design Scholarship

With the rise of the metaverse, more and more people have begun to pay attention to and explore how to build an ideal virtual space in the metaverse to provide people with better user experience and interaction methods. Superintelligence Consulting established the Metaverse Design Award, which aims to inspire and encourage college students to innovate and explore in the space design of the Metaverse, so as to promote the development and progress of the Metaverse. Promote the communication and cooperation between designers and researchers, accelerate the process of metaverse space design, and promote the development and progress of the entire metaverse field.


1. Purpose of Scholarship

2. Application qualifications

3. Application procedure

4. Evaluation criteria

5. Application Deadline

Superintelligent Consulting Metaverse Space Design Award aims to encourage and support outstanding college students to conduct research and innovation in the field of metaverse space design, and promote the development and progress of metaverse space.

1. Master and doctoral students in colleges and universities with relevant subject background and research experience.

2. Possess innovative thinking and design ability.

3. Able to communicate and write design reports in English.

1. Applicants need to submit an application form, personal resume, design plan and design results, etc.

2. The design proposal should include space design concept, space structure and layout, user experience and interaction methods.

3. The design results include the metaverse space that has been realized, the display of design works and design reports, etc.

Scholarship applications will be selected by an expert review committee. The review criteria include:

1. The innovation and design value of the design scheme.

2. Feasibility and practicability of the design scheme and method.

3. The design background and innovation ability of the applicant.

4. Design level and influence of design results.

The application deadline is December 30th of each year

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